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University of Western Australia (UWA) Webinar
| El Martes 23 de Junio de 9.30 am a 10.30 am, te invitamos a nuestro 6to Webinar:
"Towards Zero Waste Mining - How to make a dream a reality" |
| | Waste minimisation and byproduct reuse is a growing challenge for the global mining industry, driven by investor, regulatory, and community pressures as well as internal corporate and industry-wide goals. Responding to this challenge requires mining companies to develop strategies and technology to reduce waste generation, energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions, and increase byproduct reuse. These strategies are being developed within a context of depleting, lower grade, and more complex reserves, and a volatile market, with social license to operate positioned as one of the biggest operational risks given recent tailings dam failures. Speaker Dr Talitha Santini, from the UWA School of Agriculture and Environment, will explore the barriers and opportunities to delivering a zero waste mine, and show how current research at UWA is advancing this mission.
| Speaker: Dr. Talitha Santini
Dr Talitha Santini is a Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science in the School of Agriculture and Environment at the University of Western Australia. Her research interests include environmental rehabilitation, geochemistry, microbiology, and mineral processing. She works across a wide range of natural and engineered systems to understand the interactions between abiotic and biological processes controlling soil development, mineral weathering, and nutrient cycling in both natural and human-made systems, and uses these insights to develop new strategies to improve environmental quality. Her mining industry research over the last decade has been supported by partnerships with BHP, Rio Tinto, South32, Newmont, AngloGold Ashanti, Alcoa, and the International Aluminium Institute, among others, delivering rapid, low-cost strategies for tailings and wastewater reclamation and reuse to improve environmental management.
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| PERTH La Universidad se encuentra ubicada en la ciudad de Perth. Te compartimos algunos datos interesantes y un link con información referida a este hermoso lugar. |
|  | Exploring Perth CBD |
| | |  | Martes 23 de Junio |
 | 9.30 - 10.30 am |
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